Steps to make Your Kids Love to Pray

Parents asking about how to make Prayer easy to their kids, the second pillar after the Shahadah, therefore; it’s better to start encourage our kids as they reach the age of seven and make it as a habit and then to develop this habit to be love for praying.

You want to raise and grow the desire and the need to pray within themselves without any other feelings of obligation or ordered by their parents; just an encouragement to understand how is beautiful to perform daily pray.  

Here are some tips for teaching kids prayer

Learn by Example

It’s well known that the parents are the main example to their kids, so the best way to teach them Salah is letting them see you making wudu’ and pick the prayer mat when hear the Adhan, kids imitate their parents

Try to do this always, do not delay or miss it, this will grow in your child the importance of being responsive to Allah call!


Start early

As our prophet advice to teach your kids to pray at seven, it is recommended to prepare your home environment for encouraging prayer.


Create their prayer Area

As we always recommend creating a play area at your kid’s room, you can also use an available space or room at the house for prayer only. You can also look for a corner of a room for that purpose.

This will make children feel the importance of the prayer when they see you allocated a specific area.


DIY make your own calendar

This will work as a visual reminder; also you can create a reward chart, this will help to remind them of the time.


Make it special seven

At the age of seven, it’s the time for the Prayer Party; invite their friends to share in the moments of entering the new stage in their life.


Prayer is not just a ritual

You always need to talk to them about Allah (SWT), and how Allah made everything and loves us and save us, this will add the spiritual and emotional connection to their Lord (SWT).


Let them meet their Hero!

At home, set with them and read some books and stories about the Prophet (pbuh), make your daily habit to mention the Seerah of our prophet. They will love to pray as they will like to copy him.

Finally, try to pray as a family, take your children to the Friday prayer and Eid prayers, have them see the whole community praying together, this so important.

# sponsored


My Salah Mat - Educational Interactive Prayer Mat

My Salah Mat is a prayer mat designed to educate children on how to perform the Muslim prayer in a fun and enjoyable way. The interactive prayer mat is touch sensitive and has pre-recorded keys that can be touched to reveal the sound, such as prayer times, how to do wudu, recite surahs, say duas, and much more.


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